Research In Practice Blog
The Research In Practice Blog shares credible and timely commentary on the latest news, research, events, and more. Catch up on our most recent posts below.
in Research In Practice Blog
A team of researchers from Clinical Futures at CHOP and ULCA previously investigated a communication intervention’s potential for reducing rates of missed opportunities (MOs) for HPV vaccination at primary care pediatric practices. In that longitudinal cluster-randomized controlled trial, online communication training successfully increased HPV…

in Research In Practice Blog.

In their ongoing efforts to celebrate the good work of individuals advancing science, technology, engineering, and medicine (STEM), the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute has previously highlighted Women in STEM at CHOP in their Cornerstone Blog. Here are some of the posted inspirational insights from featured Women in STEM at Clinical Futures:
in Research In Practice Blog.

While clinicians recognize that feedback reports summarizing clinician performance are valuable tools for improving antibiotic use in the ambulatory setting, their effectiveness in hospital settings remains unclear. A group of investigators from CHOP, including Clinical Futures Core Faculty Members Kathleen Chiotos, MD, MSCE, Robert W. Grundmeier, MD, Yun Li, PhD, Julia E. Szymczak, PhD, Morgan Congdon, MD, MPH, MSEd, and Jeffrey S. Gerber, MD, PhD, recently published a study examining how an intervention utilizing clinician feedback reports could increase appropriate usage of antibiotics for…
in Research In Practice Blog.

Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia are exploring new ways to promote widespread implementation of neonatal resuscitation practices after being awarded $7.1 million in funding from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI).
in Research In Practice Blog.
Experts from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Clinical Futures work daily to advance pediatric research and improve outcomes for children and their families. Below are some key highlights from the past month:
in Research In Practice Blog.

As 2024 comes to an end, Clinical Futures is reflecting on what has been a year of continued accomplishment, career development, and clinical impact for the Center.
in Research In Practice Blog.

2024 was another remarkable year for Clinical Futures!
As this year comes to a close, we take a moment to reflect on a busy yet rewarding time for the Center. To celebrate, we are revisiting some of our favorite blog posts from the past year.
in Research In Practice Blog.

Rotavirus is a highly contagious virus that causes severe illness in infants. The pentavalent rotavirus vaccine (RV5) must be given to babies under 15 weeks, but some NICUs avoid vaccination due to concerns about transmitting the vaccine strain to unvaccinated infants. Clinical Futures experts completed a year-long study of a 100-bed NICU to investigate this risk. Study results show transmission of the vaccine strain was rare and had no clinical consequences for unvaccinated infants. Researchers concluded that the benefits of in-NICU administration of RV5 vaccine to stable, age-eligible…
in Research In Practice Blog.

Axial disease in youth is a difficult to treat and often underdiagnosed condition affecting the spine and sacroiliac joints. This form of arthritis can cause pain and stiffness in the back and is sometimes mistaken for other conditions. Axial disease is a characteristic component frequently occurring in a group of conditions known as juvenile spondyloarthritis (SpA), the most common form of juvenile arthritis across the world accounting for as much as one-third of all cases. When untreated, these children are at risk of progression to ankylosing spondylitis which can result in fusion of the…
in Research In Practice Blog.

Researchers from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Vanderbilt University Medical Center were awarded a $7.37 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) RC2 grant to focus on kidney stone disease research. The focus of the project will be to create a novel research tool called the Urinary Stone Disease Hub, known as USDHub, using de-identified patient data from over 230,000 individuals with kidney stone disease across nine health systems in the U.S.
in Research In Practice Blog.

Organizational Skills Training (OST) is a behavioral, skills training intervention approach used with children who exhibit deficits in organization, time management, and planning (OTMP) skills, associated often with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). OST Tier 2 (OST-T2) is a modification of the original OST program for use in schools that is administered in small groups in the context of a multi-tier support system that involves parents, teachers, educational support staff, and others. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the OST-T2 intervention when implemented by school…