Molly Passarella

Molly Passarella is an experienced statistical programmer at the Center for Perinatal and Pediatric Health Disparities Research (CPHD) at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Since 2012, Ms. Passarella has worked closely with Scott Lorch, MD, MSCE and several notable investigators on studies measuring infant quality of care, analyzing systems delivering neonatal care, assessing intermediate factors contributing to racial/ethnic disparities, quantifying the quality of health care received by both pediatric and adults patients, investigating the role of race/ethnicity on outcomes and health care use, and the overall role of the health system on variations in patient outcomes.

Ms. Passarella is an expert in statistical designs and methods used in health services research, in particular with univariate and multivariate models, and matching methods. She is also well versed in programming logistic regression models and performing statistical tests. She is a skilled SAS programmer and experienced in merging databases to create analysis files for the development of models. She also consults on projects and can teach young investigators basic programming skills in Stata, SAS and R.

Ms. Passarella graduated from Monmouth University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics in 2009 and from Villanova University with a Masters in Applied Statistics in 2012.

Statistical Programmer